• We have disarmed five gangs without violence. This contributed to drastically lower crime rate by 40% in the Revenga Municipality, according to numbers provided by the security forces of the state of Aragua, Venezuela
  • We have transformed violent leadership into virtuous leadership and refocus the energy of the participants into constructive initiatives for their own benefit and the community
  • We were selected as a case study for the Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge Network (SEKN), lead by Harvard University (professor James Austin)
  • We have participated for two consecutive years, as a team, in the International 7 A-Side Rugby Championship and won the Silver Cup at the Universidad Central de Venezuela Tournament
  • We were selected as a case model to eradicate poverty, by the World Bank at the Youth, Peace and Development Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia 2004
  • We were recognized as social initiative in 2004 by the Construction Chamber of Venezuela
  • We have achieved a job placement for more than 30 project members
  • The Rugby Team of Proyecto Alcatraz participated in the "2006 International Rugby Tournament in Argentine".
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